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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Intervozes - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Intervozes LOGO
Global Media Registry

Grupo Amilcare Dallevo / Marcelo de Carvalho

Grupo Amilcare Dallevo / Marcelo de Carvalho

The partnership between Amilcare Dallevo Júnior e Marcelo de Carvalho Fragali, owners of TV Ômega Ltda., dates back to 1997, when they created an independent producer, Ômega Produções, and rented a Sunday afternoon programming window at former TV Manchete to broadcast an auditorium show, Domingo Total. The initiative was successful and in 1999 both enterpreneurs bought TV Manchete’s public concession from its former owners, originating RedeTV!.

TV Ômega is owned by both Grupo Amilcare Dallevo and Grupo Marcelo de Carvalho, and is officially based in the city of São Paulo. The stockholder’s participation is thus structured: Amilcare Dallevo Júnior (president), with 71% of the shares; Marcelo de Carvalho Fragali (vice president) with 29%.

Besides TV Ômega, are part of both groups (with more than 20% of the shares): RedeTV! Interactive; TV Mídia Publicidade Comercial; Promo TV Comercial; Débito Fácil Serviços; Mídia TV Comercial and TeleTV Serviços Interativos.

Other companies also belong to Grupo Amilcare Dallevo: Tecplan Teleinformática; Tecnet Teleinformática, Tecnet Comércio e Serviços; and Sandetur Viagens e Turismo. While Grupo Marcelo de Carvalho controls IT interatividade Telefônica; New Mídia Seerviços; and TVI Comunicação Interativa (with more than 20% of the shares).

Along with the television network, both owners control together RedeTVi, an online multimedia portal that offers to the public content produced by the company and all products related to RedeTV!. The portal also offers live online streaming of the channel’s programming and interaction space between affiliates and head of network, with information related to the networks administration, advertisement, programming and tech support. Finally, through the RedeTV! Live platform, the station makes their programming available live for smartphones and tablets with 3G technology.

In 2005, as the result of public lawsuit against rights violations by a show hosted João Kleber and broadcast in RedeTV!, the network was sentenced to transmit 30 programs about human rights in their programming. The action was an initiative by the MPF (General Attorney’s Office), Intervozes – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social and five other organizations, and resulted in the first collective right to a public answer in Brazil.

Key facts

Mother Company

TV Ômega Ltda

Business Form


Legal Form

Limited Partnership

Business Sectors



Individual Owner

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other TV Outlets

Rede TV! Network

Other Online Outlets

Rede TV! (


Media Business

Paid-TV Content Distribution

Simba Content (joint venture Grupo Record, Grupo Silvio Santos and Amilcare Dallevo/Marcelo de Carvalho)



Débito Fácil Serviços


Promo TV Comercial


TeleTV Serviços Interativos

General Information

Founding Year



Amilcare Dallevo Júnior and Marcelo de Carvalho Fragalli.


Missing Data


Av. Presidente Kennedy, 2869 - Vila São José, Osasco - SP, 06298-190(11) 3306-1000

Tax/ ID Number

CNPJ 02.131.538/0001-60

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

2016: R$400

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data


Executive Board

Amilcare Dallevo Jr (President), Marcelo de Carvalho Fragali (VP)

Non-Executive Board

Missing Data

Supervisory Board

Missing Data

  • Project by
    Intervozes LOGO
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by