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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Intervozes - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Intervozes LOGO
Global Media Registry


To select the most important TV outlets, MOM-Brazil considered the main national networks, that reach a large share of the national territory through a system of affiliates. The national networks are formed by vertically integrated outlets: different channels reproduce the set of content structured in a time grid by a decision center, the so-called "network heads", with minimum local programming.

In order to select the eleven networks or TV stations that compose this research, we used audience shares measured by Kantar IBOPE (2015), data on media consumption habits by IPSOS Connect (2016) and by Pesquisa Brasileira de Mídia (‘Brazilian Media Research’, 2016), performed by Kantar IBOPE for the federal government, and also Índice de Prestígio de Marca (‘Brand Prestige Index’, IPM), published by Meio & Mensagem. The result was a list of nine free-to-air TVs and two pay-TV ones.

TV Database

We highlight the maintenance of Rede Globo’s ratings and range concentration, followed by RecordTV and SBT, that fight for the second place in ratings. Another highlight is the presence of three news-based channels (RecordNews, GloboNews and BandNews). Finally, we highlight the presence of two religious stations, Rede Gospel and Rede Vida

  • Project by
    Intervozes LOGO
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by