Rede TV!

Founded in November 1999, RedeTV! consists of the five stations that used to compose the extinct Manchete TV, located in the cities of São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Belo Horizonte (MG), Recife (PE) and Fortaleza (CE), and a Network of affiliates present in all regions of Brazil. Its headquarters is located in the Centro de Televisão Digital (‘Digital Television Center’ - CTD), in the city of Osasco, in São Paulo’s metropolitan region.
On RedeTV!’s internet page, CTD is identified as “the World’s most advanced Digital Television production and broadcast center”. The built structure has an area of 50,000 square meters, houses eight studios with HighDefinition (HD) technology, a 1,5 thousand square meters studio with equipment for virtual scenography. According to the company itself, RedeTV! would be the first station “in the world to broadcast in 3D to free TV” and also “the first and only station in the world to produce 100% of its programming in digital HD”.
RedeTV!’s programming is focused on entertainment, including auditorium shows, comedy shows, talkshows and variety TV magazines directed to female audiences. News, interviews and sports shows also integrate its grid.
At RedeTV!, considered the fifth largest TV network in Brazil, the religious content, with slots in the programming grid rented by churches and ministers, is the main segment of shows, occupying 43.4% of the total broadcast time. Among the biggest buyers of grid slots are the neopentecostal churches Universal, da Graça, Mundial, Vitória em Cristo and Assembleia de Deus. Among the biggest national TV Networks, SBT is the only one that does not keep religious programming.
Audience Share
1.2% (Kantar Ibope)
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Free-to-air TV
Media Companies / Groups
Grupo Amilcare Dallevo / Marcelo de Carvalho
Ownership Structure
The TV network Rede TV! belongs to Grupo Amilcare Dallevo / Marcelo de Carvalho. The company is owned by Amilcare Dallevo (71%) and Marcelo de Carvalho (29%).
General Information
Founding Year
Amilcare Dallevo Jr., Marcelo de Carvalho Fragali.
Amilcare Dallevo Jr. and Marcelo de Carvalho Fragali
Sede São Paulo - Avenida Presidente Kennedy, 2869 Remédios, Vl. São José - Osasco - São Paulo - CEP: 06298-109 - (11) 3306.1000 - .
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
http://meio&mensagem. Rede TV! Canal 9. Acessed October 16 2017.