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Global Media Registry

MOM Team Brazil

ANDRÉ PASTI is head of MOM Research in Brazil. He is a geographer graduated from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and holds a doctorate in Human Geography at the Universidade de  São Paulo (USP), where he is a member of the Laboratory of Political Geography and Territorial Planning (LABOPLAN). He holds a master's degree in Geography from Universidade de Campinas (Unicamp), with research on geography and media. Researcher on communication policies in Latin America. Currently a professor at Cotuca / Unicamp and is a member of the Intervozes' board of directors. He is also vice director of the Campinas Section of the Association of Brazilian Geographers (AGB).

OLÍVIA BANDEIRA Researcher. Holds a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the Postgraduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGSA / UFRJ). Master in Communication by the Post-Graduation Program in Communication of the Fluminense Federal University (PPGCOM / UFF), holds a degree in Social Communication from the same institution. She was project coordinator for Bem TV - Educação e Comunicação (2003-2009), coordinator of the area of research in Cultural Economy of the Overmundo Sociocultural Institute (2009-2011) and Coordinator of Cultural Diversity of SEC-RJ - Secretary of State for Culture of Rio de Janeiro (2011-2012). Also worked in applied research in institutions such as UNESCO and Intervozes - Collective Brazil of Social Communication, of which she is a member.

LUCIANO GALLAS  Researcher. Journalist, Master in Communication Sciences (UNISINOS), with research on the regulatory frameworks of open television within the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP). Holds a degree in Social Communication - Journalism from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and is a member of Intervozes - Collective Brasil de Comunicação Social. As a journalist, he worked in daily newspapers, magazines and in the communications advisory services of governmental and nongovernmental organizations. Also served as content editor of the Ministry of Education between 2005 and 2008, in consultancies for Unesco and in the IHU On-Line newspaper of the Humanitas Unisinos Institute. He is currently a consultant at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in the area of Communication for the Second National Conference on Indigenous School Education (II CONEEI).

DANIEL FONSECA is the Legal Advisor for MOM Brasil. Journalist, holds a degree in Social Communication from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC, 2004) and specialization in Communication and Image Theories by the same institution (2008). Holds a PhD in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (ECO-Post / UFRJ). Worked as a reporter for Frei Tito News Agency for Latin America (Adital), executive coordinator of Amarc Brasil (2014-2015) and director of the Union of Professional Journalists in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (SJPMRJ, 2013-2016). He is a member of the Group of Political Research and Economy of Information and Communication (Peic-UFRJ), Intervozes – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social and Institute of Research Rights and Social Movements (IPDMS). Since 2004, is a server of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), working at FM Radio University. He is currently developing radio programs on urban relations, the environment and the right to communication.

JONAS VALENTE Researcher. He is a journalist at Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), a corporation responsible for national public communications in Brazil. Graduated in Social Communication - Journalism at Centro Universitário de Brasília and a master's degree at Faculdade de Comunicação in Universidade de Brasília, researching communication policies. He was a researcher at Laboratório de Políticas de Comunicação (Lapcom-UnB). Is the author of the book Regulação Democrática dos Meios de Comunicação (Democratic Media Regulation, Perseu Abramo, 2014) and co-author of the books Sistemas Públicos de Comunicação: Experiência de Doze Países e o Caso Brasileiro (Public Communication Systems: Experience of Twelve Countries and the Brazilian Case,Intervozes, Ed. Paulus, 2009); Caminhos para a Universalização da Banda Larga: Experiências Internacionais e Desafios Brasileiros (Paths to the Universalization of Broadband: International Experiences and Brazilian Challenges, Antonio Biondi and Sivaldo Pereira Org., Intervozes, 2012); Políticas de Comunicações: Um Estudo Comparado Brasil, Espanha, Estados Unidos, México e Venezuela (A Comparative Study Brazil, Spain, United States, Mexico and Venezuela, Ramos, Leal and Geraldes Org., Ed. Social Communication, 2013) and Políticas de Comunicações: Um Estudo Comparado Brasil, Espanha, Estados Unidos, México e Venezuela (Communications Policy: a Comparative Study in Brasil, Spain, United States, México and Venezuela, Ramos, Leal e Geraldes Org., Ed. Comunicación Social, 2013). He is a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology of UNB.

PATRÍCIA CORNILS is project manager MOM Brazil. She is a reporter and activist for digital rights, that worked for the brasilian newspaper Valor Econômico as a telecommunications reporter and was one of the creators of ARede magazine, a magazine about the use of digital technologies in social inclusion projects. Also worked on the creation of independent media with Jornalistas Livres, De Olho nos Ruralistas and contributes with Outras Palavras. Was part in the community Transparência Hacker and Ônibus Hacker, worked on the Free Wi-Fi Project of the São Paulo City Hall and also at Interagentes, a company specialized in monitoring, intervention actions and network articulation. Today, apart from her work with RSF, she is part of Actantes, a group of activists promoting network freedom. Actantes is one of the organizers of CryptoRave (a collective effort to spread the fundamental concepts of privacy and internet freedom and the use of digital security tools) and part of "Coalition for Rights in the Network" in Brasil, an advocacy group on internet rights.

MARCOS URUPÁ: Journalist and lawyer. Coordinator of the Intervozes - Brazilian Collective of Social Communication. He has been the Director of Fundação Paraense de Radiofusão – Funtelpa, of TV Cultura in Pará and Portal Cultura. He has a lato sensu post-graduation degree by Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política – FESPSP in Public Policy and Management and he is a candidate for a doctorate in Communication and Culture Policies by the Communication Faculty of University of Brasília – UnB, having as subject matter Network Neutrality.

OLAF STEENFADT heads the "Media Ownership Monitor" project for Reporters Without Borders. For many years, he has been involved as a consultant and coach for media pluralism, especially in development cooperation. Mandates of international organizations and NGOs lead him primarily to Southeast Europe and in the Arab world. He previously worked for ARD and ZDF in various roles, including as radio and TV presenter, investigative author, domestic and foreign correspondent, as well as in format development and program marketing. Olaf teaches media history, media policy and regulation at universities in Germany and Europe.

MOM Advisory Group Brazil

The MOM Advisory Group Brazil accompanied all the steps of the study and appeared as a counselling organ. It is composed of:

Adriana Bernardes

Professor of the Institute of Geosciences of Unicamp and researcher at CNPq (II). Holds a degree and a PhD in Geography from the University of São Paulo. Coordinates the Research Group “Circles of Information, Urbanization and Territory”. Her main themes are information networks, information circulation, uses of the territory, urbanization and territorial planning. Develops research on various information-producing agents, such as news agencies, financial information agencies, consulting firms, media companies, public opinion, logistics and others. Read more on her academic curriculum.

Aline Lucena Gomes

Professor of the Department of Social Communication of UFRN. Holds a PhD Masters in Communication from the PPGCOM of UFPE; Specialization in History and Aesthetics of Cinematography by the Universidad de Valladolid, Spain; and a degree in Social Communication (Journalism) from Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. Main areas of interest: communication policies and systems; ethics and communication legislation, human right to communication, democratization of traditional media and new technologies democratization, media contents as spaces for promotion and violation of human rights. Read more on her academic curriculum.

Ana Maria da Conceição Veloso

Professor of the Department of Communication of UFPE, member of the Curator Council of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC) and collaborator of the NGO Centro das Mulheres do Cabo. Holds a degree in Journalism from the Catholic University of Pernambuco, a Master’s degree and a PhD in Communication from the PPGCOM of UFPE. Main research topics: journalism studies, social communication, radio, communication policies, cultural industries, citizenship, genre, feminism, radical media and human rights. Read more on her academic curriculum.

Cesar Bolaño

Professor at UFS and president of the Latin-American Union for Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture (ULEPICC-Brasil). Holds a degree in Social Communication – Journalism from USP, with a Master’s degree and a PhD in Economic Sciences from Unicamp. Published more than 30 books and nearly 100 papers in specialist journals in the fields of political economy of communication and communication policies. Read more on his academic curriculum.

Cristiane Barbieri

Journalist with more than 25 years of experience. Has worked in different communication outlets, like the newspapers “Folha de S.Paulo” and “Valor Econômico”, the magazines “Época Negócios” and “IstoÉ Dinheiro” and the internetportal iG. Winner of several journalistic awards, among them the Vladimir Herzog de Direitos Humanos Price and the Citi Journalistic Excellence Award. Qualified in journalism (PUC-SP), she completed her MBA in Informações Econômico Financeiras e Mercado de Capitais (FIA) and passed the CJEA program at the University of Columbia.

Elizabeth Saad

Full Professor of the Department of Journalism and Publishing of ECA-USP, with an emphasis in the areas of digital communication and digital journalism. Emphasizes research and advising in the segments of strategy and business of digital information, and in the correlation between strategy and the development of new languages for digital content. Coordinates the COM+ research group, registered at CNPq. International speaker and digital strategist. Read more on her academic curriculum.

Fabio Malini

Professor of the Department of Communication of UFES, where he coordinates the Laboratory of Studies on Image and Culture (LABIC/UFES). Graduated in Social Communication by UFES, holds a Master in Information Sciences from IBICT/CNPQ-ECO-UFRJ and a PhD in Communication and Culture from UFRJ. Develops research on data science, social networks and social movements (with specialization in collecting, processing and visualizing big data). Also works as “free-media” (midialivrista) journalist, acting in independent media collectives, specialized in collaborative coverage, video live streaming and platforms focused on political communication. Read more on his academic curriculum.

Fernando Oliveira Paulino

Director of the Communication Faculty of UnB, researcher of the Laboratory of Communication Policies (LaPCom-UnB) and of the Community Communication and Citizenship Project (CNPq) and director of International Relations of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers, ALAIC (2014-2016). Holds a PhD and Master’s degree in Communication from UnB, with doctoral internship at Universidad de Sevilla. Has experience in the area of Communication Policies and Community Communication. Member of the Organizing Committee of the 1st National Communication Conference (2009). Read more on his academic curriculum.

Joel Zito Araújo

Filmmaker and researcher from the city of Nanuque, Minas Gerais, he holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from ECA/USP, with post-doctoral studies in the Department of Radio, TV and Cinema and in the Department of Anthropology of the University of Texas, in Austin, United States. He directed documentaries about the black people in Brazilian society, several of them awarded. Read more on his work.

Laura Capriglione

Journalist, founder and member of the Jornalistas Livres network since 2015. Worked as a journalist since 1985. She was a special reporter for the newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo” between 2004 and 2013. She directed the newspaper Notícias Populares (SP), was director of new projects in Editora Abril and worked for “Veja” magazine. She won the Esso Prize for Reportage in 1994. She attended Physics and Social Sciences at USP, with a Master’s degree in Sociology from the same institution. Read more on her work.

Laurindo Leal

Retired professor from the School of Communication and Arts of USP (ECA-USP), director and presenter of the VerTV program exhibited by TV Brasil and TV Câmara. Columnist of Revista do Brasil and Carta Maior website. He was general ombudsman of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC) (2009-2011). Graduated in Social Sciences by USP, he holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences from PUC-SP and a PhD in Communication Sciences from USP, with a postdoctoral degree from the Goldsmiths College of the University of London. Read more on his academic curriculum.

Marcelo Kischinhevsky

Professor at Faculty of Social Communication of UERJ – Rio de Janeiro’s State University, where coordinates AudioLab. Journalist, Graduated in Communication at UFRJ – Rio de Janeiro´s Federal University, holds a Master’s degree and a PhD from the same institution. He have been developing researches that focus radio industry and multimedia convergence, specially its impacts in newsrooms. Read more on his academic curriculum.

Murilo Cesar Ramos

Senior researcher at the Center for Policies, Law, Economics and Communication Technologies (CCOM) and at the Laboratory for Communication Policies (LaPCom) from UnB. Retired professor of the Faculty of Communication of UnB. Since 1995, he has been partner and president-director of ECCO – Studies and Consultancy of Communications. Graduated in Communication by UFPR, he holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in Communication from the University of Missouri-Columbia (USA). His main area of professional and academic activity are the policies and regulation of communication. Read more on his academic curriculum.

Octavio Penna Pieranti

Researcher of Post-Doctorate in Communication for the Faculty of Communication of the University of Brasília (FAC/UnB). Holds a PhD in Administration and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from EBAPE-FGV, having graduated in Social Communication/Journalism from UFRJ. Researcher Emeritus of the Nucleus of Studies of Brazilian Administration (ABRAS/UFF) and researcher of the Laboratory of Studies in Communication, Technology and Citizen Education (Lecotec) of FAAC/UNESP. Federal public servant since 2007, he has worked at the Ministry of Communication, Ministry of Culture, Anatel and EBC. He has held, among others, the positions of Director of the Department of Monitoring and Evaluation and Advisor of Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of Communications and Chief of Staff of EBC. Read more on his academic curriculum.

Pablo Ortellado

Professor of the course of Public Policy Management and adviser in the postgraduate program in Cultural Studies of USP. Coordinator of the Research Group on Public Policies for Access to Information (Gpopai). Currently develops research on privacy, cultural policies and social movements. Holds a PhD in Philosophy from USP. Columnist for the newspaper Folha de São Paulo. Read more on his academic curriculum.

Renata Mielli

General Coordinator of the National Forum for Democratization of Communication (FNDC) and Secretary General of the Center for Studies of Alternative Media Barão de Itararé. Journalist, graduated in Social Communication from Faculdade Cásper Líbero. In the student movement, she was director of the Municipal Union of High School Students of São Paulo and of the National Students Union (UNE).

More information: and

Richard Santos

Professor of the Dean of Extenssion of UnB. He is a part of the CLACSO Research Group “Política y producción audiovisual em la era digital”. Member/researcher of the Group of Comparative Studies Mexico, Caribe, Central America and Brazil, a partnership between the Center of Research and Post-Graduation in Compared Studies about the Americas (CEPPAC), of UnB, and The Migration and Society Research Unit (URMIS) – Université Paris-Sorbonne. Associated researcher of the Latin-American Observatory of Digital Content Industry (OLAICD) from the Catholic University of Brasília. PhD candidate in Social Sciences at the Department of Latin-American Studies of UnB. Read more on his academic curriculum.

Rogério Christofoletti

Professor of the Department of Journalism of UFSC. Coordinated the National Network of Press Observatories (Renoi, 2005-2009). He was a member of the Scientific Council of SBPJor (2009-2011), editor of the journal Estudos in Journalism and Media (2009-2015) and coordinator of the postgraduate program in Journalism from UFSC (2012-2014). Journalist, he holds a Master’s degree in Linguistics and a PHD in Communication Sciences. Read more on his cademic curriculum.

Rosane Borges

Collaborator Professor at the Specialization Course of the Center for Latin-American Studies on Culture and Communication (CELACC). She is a part of the research group Midiato (ECA-USP). Columnist for the Carta Capital magazine and for Editora Boitempo’s blog. Writes regularly on the news portals “Observatório da Imprensa” and “Geledés”. Member of the Commission of Journalists for Racial Equality (Cojira-SP). She was national coordinator of the National Center of Information and Reference of Black Culture (CNIRC) and of the Palmares Foundation (2013). Journalist, postdoctoral student in Communication Sciences at ECA-USP, she holds a PhD and a Master’s degree in Communication Sciences from USP. 

Sônia Virginia Moreira

Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and the Postgraduate Program in Communication of the Faculty of Social Communication of UERJ. Member of the curator council of the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Communication Studies – Intercom, vice-president of SBPJor – Brazilian Association of Researchers in Journalism. Senior researcher of two international research networks: Worlds of Journalism Study (University of Munich – LMU) and the International Media Concentration Research Project (University of Columbia, NY). She holds a degree in Social Communication/Journalism (UGF), a Master’s degree in Journalism (University of Colorado – Boulder) and a PhD in Communication Sciences (USP). Read more on her academic curriculum.

Sonia Aguiar

Professor of the Postgraduate Program from UFS. Journalist graduated from UFF, holds a Master’s degree in Communication by ECO-UFRJ, a PhD in Communication/Information Sciences (ECO-UFRJ/Ibict), with postdoctoral studies in the Postgraduate Program in Geography from UFF. She was a professor of Journalism in UFF for 20 years (1984-2004). Created the Research Group Geographies of Regional Communication (CGR) in the PPGCOM-UFS. Works on topics such as geographies of communication and the media; media regionalization; regional journalism; environmental communication; and sociopolitical appropriations of the Internet. Read more on her academic curriculum.

Suzy Santos

Professor of the School and Postgraduate Program of Communication at UFRJ. Leader of the Research Group on Policies and Economics of Information and Communication – PEIC, active since 1995. Graduated in Social Communication, she holds a Master’s degree in Communication and Information from UFRS and a PhD in Communication and Contemporary Culture from UFBA. Hear research and academic production deals with political economy of communication and communication policies. Read more on her academic curriculum.



Intervozes - Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social fights for democracy and freedom and focuses on raising awareness among the Brazilian public of the freedom of expression as a right for all. It also fights for the right to information and for diversity and plurality in the communications field through varied strategies, enabling citizens and citizen-led organisations to constructively engage in the struggle for media reform.

For Intervozes, the right to communication is indissociable from the full exercise of citizenship and democracy: a society can only be called democratic when the diverse voices, opinions, cultures and races that compose it have space to manifest themselves, to be seen and heard.

The group is formed by activists and professionals in the areas of social communication, law, architecture, arts and others, distributed in 15 Brazilian states and in the Federal District. Each member and associate of Intervozes is, at the same time, promoter of local actions and collaborator in the formulation and realization of national strategies adopted by the collective.



Reporters Without Borders


Reporters Without Borders (Reporter Sans Frontières, RSF) was founded in Montpellier (France) in 1985 by four journalists. It is is registered in France as a non-profit organization and has consultant status at the United Nations and UNESCO. RSF advocates for media freedom, supports independent media and protects endangered journalists worldwide. Its missions are

- To continuously monitor attacks on freedom of information worldwide;

- To denounce any such attacks in the media;

- To act in cooperation with governments to fight censorship and laws aimed at restricting freedom of information;

- To morally and financially assist persecuted journalists, as well as their families.

-To offer material assistance to war correspondents in order to enhance their safety.

Since 1994, the German section is active in Berlin. Although the German section works closely with the International Secretariat in Paris to research and evaluate media freedom worldwide, it is organizationally and financially independent. In that role, it has applied for a grant at the federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – in order to finance the Media Ownership Monitor project.



Global Media Registry

The Global Media Registry (GMR) collects, compiles and provides – either publicly available or self-reported – datasets and contextual information on media outlets around the world.

In doing so, the objective is to enhance transparency, accountability and responsibility in the information space. Thus, the GMR facilitates better choices and decision making, both algorithmic and human, of all stakeholders. These may include every citizen and consumer, regulators and donors, as well as the private sector – for example advertisers and intermediaries (a. k. a. platforms and distributors).

By providing this public service as a social enterprise, the Global Media Registry contributes to the advancement of the freedoms of information and expression at large.

It was founded as a spin-off from the Media Ownership Monitor project, which it now operates as a non-for-profit LLC registered under German law.

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    Global Media Registry
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