Rede Aleluia
Aleluia Network was started in 1995 with the purchase of FM Radio 105,1 (RJ) by the church Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD). In 1998, it became a network, with 17 affiliates and a radio frequency signal generator in Rio de Janeiro. In 2002, the generator was changed to FM 99,3 and moved to São Paulo, that already served as the church’s headquarters since 1989. In 2017, according to information of IURD’s institutional pages, the network is composed of 68 stations “present in all regions of the country, strategically located in 22 states, capitals and other cities”, “with a coverage that reaches 75% of the national territory”. The station can also be accessed on the internet and through cell phone apps.
Differently from other Record Group’s vehicles, also owned by bishop Edir Macedo, Aleluia Radio has an exclusively religious programming. Its slogan is "The radio for the family". The programming consists of music, journalistic information, spiritual counseling and followers’ testimonies. There is also health, beauty and cultural advice. The main national network show is Palavra Amiga (‘Friendly Word’), hosted by Edir Macedo, from Mondays to Saturdays at 11pm, with reruns at 6am and at noon.
The radio’s website does not offer all its programming, but names other shows of the stations national grid. Two of them are radio versions of shows broadcasted by RecordTV: Fala que Eu Te Escuto (‘Speak as I listen’), from Mondays to Saturdays at 8am, and The Love School – A Escola do Amor, hosted by Edir Macedo’s daughter and son-in-law, Renato and Cristiane Cardoso, from Mondays to Saturdays at 11:30am. Another show is Momento do Presidiário (‘The Inmate Moment’), broadcasted daily at 9pm, when bishop Eduardo Guilherme and the families of prison inmates send radio messages to their beloved ones in jail. The show also has a website providing information on penal legislation, testimonies and actions performed by IURD in detention centers. On Sundays, Santo Culto em Seu Lar (‘The holy cult in your home’) is broadcasted at 9:30am.
As several studies on IURD indicate, the stations that integrate Aleluia Network also have a great amount of local programming, on which bishops regularly invite the listeners to visit the church’s temples and the different types of cult IURD performs (liberation cults, culto de libertação, fasting for impossible causes, women’s meeting, discharge sessions, salvation nights, love therapy, the success congress, among others).
The local programming also varies according to the selected musical tracklist, inside the many sub-genres of the so-called Brazilian Gospel Music. Gospel music is the second best-selling musical genre in Brazil and also the second in consumer’s choice. The songs are produced by religious record labels (Central Gospel Music, Graça Music, MK Music, among others), but, since the late 2000s, also by the major ones (such as multinationals Universal Music and Sony Music as well as Som Livre, from Globo Group). IURD has its record label, Line Records, since 1991. In 1995, it instituted the FM 105 Award, renamed in 1997 to Trofeu Talento (‘Talent Award’). For many years, this was the most important Gospel Music awards in Brazil, but had its last edition in 2009. The record company, however, just like other ones connected to churches, specially after the entrance of the major labels in the religious music market, started experiencing financial difficulties and currently has a reduced cast.
Aleluia Network also has a portal with religious messages, followers' testimonies and links to SOS Espiritual - Fale Agora com um Pastor, an online platform where users receive pastoral advise through live chat.
Audience Share
1.4% (PBM)
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
National media
Content Type
free content
Media Companies / Groups
Universal Church of the Kingdom of God
Ownership Structure
Rede Aleluia is controlled by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.
General Information
Founding Year
Edir Macedo - leading bishop of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God
Bishop Gilmar Rosas – pastor since 1984 and bishop of IURD since 1998. He is a partner, owner or administrator of two radios of the Aleluia network.
Sede São Paulo (SP) - Rádio Aleluia 99,3 FM - Rua dos Missionários, 139 - 2º andar - Santo Amaro(11) 5644.5000 - .
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information