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Global Media Registry

O Tempo

The newspaper O Tempo was founded in 1996, when Grupo Editorial Sempre Editora, owned by the SADA group, inaugurated their own printing plant and launched a daily “jornal de referência” or “quality paper” intended to compete with the traditional Estado de Minas, owned by Grupo Diários Associados.

In a few years, the newspaper’s circulation surpassed that of its rival and, despite having a distribution focus on Minas Gerais state, it became the eight largest newspaper in circulation in Brazil an the 4th among “quality papers”, behind Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo and Zero Hora.

Similarly to what happened to a tabloid owned by the group, Super Notícias, O Tempo sales received a boost in sales from a strategy involving, on one hand, marketing and sales campaigns and, on the other hand, news formats and content.

The group has invested in readership loyalty through subscription campaigns in which sales representatives would travel to cities in the state’s countryside to introduce the newspaper. The campaign involved the distribution of souvenirs to new customers and a subscriber’s club, with discounts and benefits. Currently, 95% of its sales are made through subscription.

Regarding its format, the newspaper, first published in standard size, changed to a tabloid format in 2008, allowing for easier handling.

O Tempo prioritizes political and economic news, in all scales. The themes, however, are approached from a “‘mineiro’ observation of the events”, that is, they are oriented by a principle of proximity and regionality. That means that, even when referring to issues on other scales, the articles put emphasis on the ways these themes relate to the state and the agents and institutions in Minas Gerais, which might be overlooked by other national media. These other vehicles tend to prioritize Rio de Janeiro’s and São Paulo’s protagonism.

Key facts

Audience Share

3.03% (IVC)

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage

Multi-territorial media

Content Type

Paid content (berliner)

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

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Media Companies / Groups

Grupo Sada - Grupo Editorial Editora Sempre


Ownership Structure

Super Notícia belongs to Grupo Editorial Editora Sempre, a company of Grupo SADA. Grupo SADA is owned by the Medioli family.

Group / Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Vittorio Medioli - born in Parma, Italy. He owns the SADA group. He also holds a political career: he is currently mayor of Betim (MG) by PHS. He was a federal deputy elected by the PSDB of Minas Gerais for four terms.


Heron Guimarães – journalist and publicist. He is a specialist in political marketing. During two intervals outside Editora Sempre, he worked as an advisor and as the Secretary of Communication of the government of Betim (MG) municipality.


Lúcia Castro - she has worked at Editora Sempre/Grupo Sada's newspapers since the foundation of “O Tempo”, in 1996.

Other Important People

Lúcia Machado Medioli - writer and president of Editorial Group Semper Editora, Lúcia is married to Vittorio Medioli. There are important Brazilian writers from her family, such as Aníbal Machado, Maria Clara Machado and Lúcia Machado de Almeida. She signs a column at the newspaper, some of them are gathered in two books. She is affiliated to the Humanist Party of Solidarity (PHS).
Mariana Medioli – vice President of Editora Sempre since march 2016, Mariana is the daughter of Vittorio and Lúcia Medioli.


Sede Belo Horizonte - MG - Rua Pernambuco, 712 - Funcionários - Belo Horizonte - MG - 30130-151 - (31) 2138.3900 -

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information


http://Vittorio Medioli (PHS) articula candidatura ao governo de Minas Gerais com PMDB e PT para as eleições de 2018 (2017). Accessed 10 october 2017.


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    Intervozes LOGO
    Global Media Registry
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