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Intervozes LOGO
Global Media Registry

Diário Gaúcho

Founded in 2000, Diário Gaúcho is a tabloid characterized by dramatic language, large number of images and short texts, with themes taken from day-to-day life or of personal interest to the readership.

According to information given by the newspaper, 61% of the readers belong to the middle class and, like other similar tabloids, it has customer loyalty strategies focused on services and product promotion. Furthermore, it has strategies for interaction with the readership through social media such as Whatspp and Facebook.

The newspaper’s sections are: Dia a Dia (Day-to-day), DG Ajuda Você (DG helps you), Espaço do Trabalhador (Worker’s space), Entretenimento (Entertainment), Holofotes (Spotlight), Últimas (Last news) and Promoções (Offers). It also has Fala Leitor (reader’s opinion) and Clube dos Corações Solitários (lonely hearts club) sections. This is how the newspaper defines it’s content: “In Diário Gaúcho you find news about Rio Grande do Sul, public utility information, a lot of entertainment, besides sports and police journalism”, an editorial line similar to other tabloids in Brazil, such as the Super Notícia (MG) and Agora São Paulo (SP).

Despite being a regional newspaper, Diário Gaúcho has the 7th largest circulation for a newspaper and 3rd largest for a tabloid in Brazil, behind Super Notícia (MG) and Extra (RJ).  It’s editorial director is Marta Gleich, who is also editorial director for Zero Hora, and it’s chief editor is Carlos Etchichury. Both newspapers’ editorial departments are integrated, as is common in other communication groups that have both reference newspapers and tabloids – such as Grupo Globo and Grupo Sada.

Key facts

Audience Share

3.88% (IVC)

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage

Regional supra-state media

Content Type

Paid content (tabloid)

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

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Media Companies / Groups

Grupo RBS


Ownership Structure

Diario Gaucho belongs to Grupo RBS. The group is owned by the Sirotsky family.

Group / Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Maurício Sirotsky Sobrinho – founder of Grupo RBS.


Marta Gleich - Currently an editor at the newspapers Zero Hora and Diário Gaúcho and the CEO of ClicRBS, the journalist from Rio Grande do Sul held different positions in the RBS Group since 1983.


Carlos Etchichury - He built his career within the Grupo RBS, mainly as a reporter. He won prizes such as Esso (twice), Embratel (three times) and Human Rights. He is also editor of the RBS Research Group (Grupo de Investigação, GDI).


Sede Porto Alegre (RS) - Av. Ipiranga, 1075 | Azenha | CEP: 90160-093 | Tel: (51) 3218 1600 -

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information

  • Project by
    Intervozes LOGO
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by