Rádio Globo
The Rádio Globo broadcasters network integrates Sistema Globo de Rádio (Globo Radio System – SRG), which itself consists of Rede CBN and BH FM. Currently, besides two boradcasters (AM and FM) in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Rádio Globo has 13 affiliates, 12 of them operating in AM. The network head is the Rio de Janeiro station, but part of the programming is produced by the São Paulo station.
After an intensive programming reform, Rádio Globo now presents itself as a station focused on "entertainment, music, information and sports”. Today its content focus is on sports (mostly soccer), entertainment and journalism, besides religious programs.
The radios commercial presentation underlines the “complete synergy with Grupo Globo”. Since 2017, famous personalities from TV Globo and other paid channels from Grupo Globo, began integrating the radio’s prime time. Among them are: Otaviano Costa, who occupies almost the entire morning every day, Léo Jaime (Mondays), Fernanda Gentil (Tuesdays), Adriane Galisteu (Wednesdays), Tiago Abravanel (Thursdays) and Cláudio Manoel (Fridays). Father Marcelo Rossi, a media phenomenon from the Brazilian Catholic Charismatic Renewal, stayed in Rádio Globo’s programming even after its remodeling. His show, Momento de Fé, on air since 2002, only had its time changed.
Created in 1944 from a concession granted by Getúlio Vargas, Rádio Globo has had political influences since its beginning. Founded at the end of World War II, one of their main programs war “War Correspondent” and the news bulletin “O Globo no ar”, with a section called “Men and opinions” which aired interviews with deputies and senators. At specific moments in Brazilian history, the radio gave voice to politicians defending certain positions, like Carlos Lacerda, an adversary of the Getúlio Vargas government (1950-1954), and other UDN (National Democratic Union) representatives. There were also other kinds of political relations: the radio’s popularity helped elect some of the stations broadcasters as representatives, such as composer and broadcaster Ari Barroso (City Councilman for UDN).
The radio became a leader in audience in the 1960s based on its "triad" music, sports and news, which it maintains to this day. At the time, they surpassed two rivals: Rádio Nacional, which suffered from the competition with the television; and Rádio Mayrink Veiga which, for having supported President João Goulart, by transmitting a message by the then Federal Deputy Leonel Brizola, was closed after the 1964 Military Coup by General Castelo Branco.
Audience Share
3.1% (PBM)
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
National media
Content Type
free content
Media Companies / Groups
Grupo Globo
Ownership Structure
Rede Globo AM/FM belongs to Grupo Globo. The group is owned by the Marinho family.
Group / Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Roberto Marinho
Marcelo Soares
Julio Pedro
Rua do Russel, 434 – Glória - Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
http://www.fgv.br/cpdoc/acervo/dicionarios/verbete-tematico/radio-globo. Rádio Globo (verbete). Accessed 15 Octobre 2017