Publisher Brasil

Created in 1994, the agency and publishing house Publisher Brasil provides solutions in printed and digital communication in the syndicalist, political and third sector areas. It also provides services such as Press Relations, Social Network Monitor and Analysis, and Digital Campaigns.
In 2001, started to publish the Fórum Magazine, a monthly publication distributed in newstands.
In early 2014, the magazine stopped being printed, becoming available only in its digital format. At the same time, had its periodicity changed from a monthly to a weekly basis.
Besides the digital version of the Fórum Magazine, Publisher Brasil produces several other publications, hired by its clients. The portfolio includes: Revista do Trabalho, Revista Previ, Revista Rio Metrópole, Cidade Olímpica, Jornal Afubesp, Revista IPPC, Bancários, Aprender e Ensinar Tecnologias Sociais, Trabalho Social e Intervenções Habitacionais, among other titles.
Publisher Brasil also publishes books. In September 2016, released the work “Golpe 16”, on which several bloggers na qual diversos blogueiros relate the impeachment process suffered by President Dilma Rousseff. The book features an interview with her and has its preface signed by former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The organization is signed by journalist Renato Rovai Júnior, Publisher’s owner.
Business Form
Legal Form
Limited Partnership
Business Sectors
Individual Owner
Other Print Outlets
Magazines: Fórum, Revista do Trabalho, Revista Previ, Revista Rio Metrópole, Cidade Olímpica, Jornal Afubesp, Revista IPPC, Bancários, Aprender e Ensinar Tecnologias Sociais, Trabalho Social e Intervenções Habitacionais.
Other Online Outlets
Portal Fórum (, Publisher Brasil (
General Information
Founding Year
Renato Rovai Jr.
Missing Data
Rua Conselheiro Ramalho, 945 – Sala 06 – Bela Vista – Cep: 01325-001 – São Paulo/SPTelefone/PABX: 11 3813.1836Agência:
Tax/ ID Number
CNPJ 00.233.706/0001-01
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Executive Board
Missing Data
Non-Executive Board
Missing Data
Supervisory Board
Missing Data
Further Information
http://Quem Somos - Agência Publisher Brasil (arquivado). Accessed on 8 October 2017
Whois. Documento: 00.233.706/0001-01. Accessed 8 October 2017