Grupo Jaime Câmara

Grupo Jaime Câmara (GJC) is formed by 24 communication vehicles in newspaper, television, radio and online medias, in the states of Goiás and Tocantins, besides the Distrito Federal. The groups website defines it as “one of the biggest crossmedia platforms in Brazil” and “as the main communication complex in the Brazilian Mid-North”.
The group originated at the foundation of Papelaria e Tipografia J. Câmara e Companhia, created by Jaime Câmara and Henrique Pinto Vieira in the city of Goiás, former state capital, in 1935. Only two years later, however, the enterprise would move to Goiânia, current capital of Goiás state, inaugurated in 1933.
At that time, the society was already controlled by Jaime Câmara, Joaquim Câmara Filho and Vicente Rebouças Câmara, with the legal name “J. Câmara & Irmãos”.
On April, 1938, the company published the first edition of the newspaper O Popular. In 1961, former Rádio Anhanguera, current Rádio Daqui 1230AM, was incorporated into the group. Two years later, TV Anhanguera was created, which became a part of Rede Globo de Televisão in 1969.
According to the organization, Grupo Jaime Câmara created ten other TV channels in the following years, all affiliates of Rede Globo, and seven other AM and FM radio stations, inaugurated after 1979. The group’s second newspaper, in its turn, Jornal do Tocantins, was also created in 1979, becoming a platform for the creation of the new Tocantins state, which took place in 1988.
Launched in April, 2007, Jornal Daqui, the group’s third newspaper, surpassed other GJC print vehicles, reaching at the time the third place in paid circulation in the country, with over 200 thousand copies. In 2013 the group created the newspaper Jornal Daqui Tocantins.
Mother Company
OJC Administração e Participações SA
Business Form
Legal Form
Business Sectors
Individual Owner
Other Print Outlets
Newspapers: jornal O Popular, jornal Daqui, jornal Daqui Tocantins
Other TV Outlets
TV Anhanguera (Rede Globo’s affiliate – Centro-Oeste)
Other Radio Outlets
Rádio CBN Anhanguera AM (Grupo Globo CBN’s affiliate), Rádio Executiva 92,7 FM, Goiânia, Rádio Executiva 101,7 FM Brasília, Rádio CBN 97,1 FM Goiânia, Rádio Araguaia 96,7 FM Gurupi, Rádio Araguaia 99,7 FM Araguaína, Rádio Daqui 1230 AM Goiânia
Other Online Outlets
G1 Goiás (, Ludovica (, Globoesporte Goiás (, Lugar Certo (, Vrum (, Classi (Classificados O Popular,
WISeKey Liber
General Information
Founding Year
Jaime Câmara and Henrique Pinto Vieira
Missing Data
Rua Thomas Edson, 400Goinia, CEP 74835-130(55 62)
Tax/ ID Number
CNPJ 37.877.644/0001-72
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
2016: R$ 172
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
2016: R$ 15,9
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Executive Board
Cristiano Roriz Câmara (President), Ronaldo Borges Ferrante (TV VP), Mauricio Duarte (Newspapers, Radio, Internet and Events VP), Breno Machado (Strategy and Marketing VP), Guliver Augusto Leão (Legal and institutional relations Director), Marcos Tadeu Câmara (Director), Tasso José Câmara (Director Superintendent)
Non-Executive Board
Missing Data
Supervisory Board
Missing Data
Further Information
Grupo Jaime Câmara. Domínio de Mercado. Accessed October 2017
Grupo Jaime Câmara. História. Accessed October 2017