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Intervozes LOGO
Global Media Registry

Grupo Diários Associados

Grupo Diários Associados

Grupo Diários Associados began with the acquisition in 1924 of the Rio de Janeiro daily newspaper O Jornal by Assis Chateaubriand, then at age 32. In the following year, the enterpreneur expanded the group with the acquisition of yet another newspaper, Diário da Noite, in São Paulo. From there on the company’s history is tied to that of his founder, becoming the largest media conglomerate in Latin America.

In their heyday, Diários Associados had over 100 communication vehicles among newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV channels and news agencies. Chateaubriand was responsible for the creation of the magazine O Cruzeiro in 1928, which revolutionized the press with the insertion of photographs and illustrations and the adoption of a lighter formatting, overcoming the so called “tijolões” (bricks) that made up most of the newspapers at the time, with massive text blocks.

Chateaubriandwas also responsible for the arrival of television in Brazil, inaugurating TV Tupi in 1950. That happened right after the appearance of the media in the United States, at a moment when Brazil still lived its pre-industrial phase. Chateaubriand himself imported 200 TV sets and installed them in São Paulo, so that there were viewers for Brazil’s first TV broadcast.

The enterpreneur Assis Chateaubriand has always been a polemic figure, and has been called “Chatô, King of Brazil” and “Brazilian Citizen Kane”, considering the way he used his communication companies to bargain political support and strengthen his position. He is also accused of blackmailing companies that didn’t advertise in his vehicles, threatening them with the publication of unfavorable content.

Currently, Diários Associados has businesses in the TV, radio, internet portals, newspapers and magazines segments, besides companies that provide support to the group’s operations. The companies are controlled by the shareholding group Condomínio Acionário das Emissoras e Diários Associados, created by Chateaubriand in 1969. The magnate chose a group of 22 people, mostly employees he identified as having ideological loyalty and personal merit, with who he began sharing his companies management.

In 2015, Grupo Hapvida, tied to the health sector, acquired the control of seven companies owned by Grupo Diários Associados, all in the Northeast region. In order to control them, they created the Sistema Opinião de Comunicação.

Key facts

Mother Company

Condomínio Acionário das Emissoras e Diários Associados

Business Form


Legal Form


Business Sectors

Media, Technology, Culture, Arts


Condomínio Acionário das Emissoras e Diários Associados

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

Newspapers Aqui MG, Aqui DF, Aqui PE, Aqui MA, Correio Braziliense, O Estado de Minas; in partnership (Sistema Opinião de Comunicação): Diário de Pernambuco and Aqui PE
Magazine Encontro

Other TV Outlets

TV Alterosa (SBT affiliate), TV Brasília (partnership with Paulo Octavio Investimentos Imobiliários Ltda., Rede TV! affiliate), TV Clube canal 9 de Recife/PE (partnershipt with Sistema Opinião de Comunicação – Record TV affiliate), TV Manaíra canal 10 de João Pessoa/PB (Rádio e TV O Norte – partnership with Sistema Opinião de Comunicação – Band affiliate), TV Borborema canal 9 de Campina Grande/PB (partnership with Sistema Opinião de Comunicação – SBT affiliate),

Other Online Outlets

Portal Uai/MG (, Correio Web/DF (, SuperEsportes (, Saúde Plena (, portal Entretenimento (; portal Divirta-se Mais (, portal Eu, estudante (, portal (, portal Vrum (; portal Lugar Certo (, portal Pinno (


Media Business

News Agency

DaPress Multimídia


D.A. Log


Alterosa Cinevideo

Digital Marketing



3 Mídia

Internet Provider and IT services

UAI Serviços



Teatro Alterosa

Education, Sports & Social action

Fundação Assis Chateaubriand

General Information

Founding Year



Francisco de Assis Chateaubriand Bandeira de Melo (Chatô).




SIG Sul Qd 02 nº 340Brasilia, CEP 70.610-901(55 61) 3214

Tax/ ID Number

CNPJ 00.605.329/0001-86, 00.001.172/0001-80

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

2016: losses of R$31.7

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data


Executive Board

Ana Maria Dubeux Costa (editorial director), Evaristo de Oliveira (executive VP), José de Arimathéa Gomes Cunha (institutional VP), Paulo César de Oliveira Marques (director of marketing), Leonardo Guilherme L. Moisés (diretor of finance and planning), Vitório Augusto de Fernandes Melo (legal director).

Non-Executive Board

Missing Data

Supervisory Board

Missing Data

Further Information

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

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  • Project by
    Intervozes LOGO
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by