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Global Media Registry

Rede Católica de Rádio (RCR)

Founded in 1994, at SEPAC (Communication Pastoral Service)’s headquarters in São Paulo, Rede Católica de Rádio (Catholic Radio Network) is an association of networks connected to Catholic Church’s organisms and lay stations of christian inspiration. It is formed by seven large generating bases which produce and distribute content and programming for over one thousand stations (with small shows) and generate chain transmissions for over 430 radio stations throughout the country.

In the last years, RCR has been working in the production of joint national and international coverage projects. The result of this partnership is the production and distribution of “christian journalistic content”.

The programming comprises news, debates, national and international news. The content is transmitted by programs such as Jornal Brasil Hoje, Plantão RCR, RCR em Debate, Igreja no Rádio, Consagração a Nossa Senhora, Palavra da CNBB (National Brazilian Bishops Conference), among others, from different regions in Brazil. Special coverages are also articulated, such as the election of Pope Francis in the Vatican, and the World Youth Day in Brazil, both in 2013.

RCR also takes part in coverages along with other catholic print and TV outlets, the so called “multimedia reports”. Some of the themes addressed were: the Church’s presence in the Legal Amazon, in 2013; the Church’s operation in the Madeira river flood in Porto Velho (Rondônia state), in 2014; the populations and places impacted by the mining activity in Serra dos Carajás, Pará state, in 2016; and the situation of the district of Bento Rodrigues one year after the Fundão Dam breach in Mariana (Minas Gerais state), in 2016. They also produce multimedia content disseminated through their portal, Signis Brasil’s portal and social networks.

Unlike the traditional affiliate system, RCR doesn’t have one generator that reproduces content to affiliates, but shares content between seven sub-networks which produce their own content.

The oldest of them is Rede Aparecida (São Paulo state), created by the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer missionaries in 1935 and with the first concession in 1951. The network transmits their programming in medium waves (AM 920 khz), short (49 meters – 6135 khz – 31 meters – 9630 khz – 25 meters – 11855 khz) and tropical (60 meters – 5035 khz), besides owning a FM station (Rádio Pop 909FM) aimed at the young audience. They can also be tuned online and vie cell phone apps. It belongs to Fundação Nossa Senhora Aparecida, officially connected to the Catholic Church in Brazil and is also financially supported by the Clube dos Sócios (Partner’s Club).

Another radio connected to an already traditional catholic communication group in Brazil is Rede Canção Nova (São Paulo state), which belongs to Comunidade Canção Nova, a catholic charismatic renewal community founded by father Jonas Abib and recognized by the Pontifical Council for Laypeople as an international private association, with a legal entity of its own, based in Cachoeira Paulista (São Paulo state) and connected to the Lorena Diocese. The community is an association of Christians, priests and deacons, who vow to live a radical consecration to God stemming from their baptism and confirmation, focusing on the apostleship, in a community life. Their first radio station was acquired in 1980 and now they have 27 station in 8 states broadcasting their programming partially or entirely, reaching a large part of the Brazilian territory using short, medium and tropical waves, besides parabolic antennas and internet. They also have a broadcaster in Portugal. Canção Nova radio stations and TV channels have the legal name Fundação João Paulo II.

The third sub-network is Rede Milícia Sat/Rádio Imaculada Conceição (São Paulo state), founded in 1995 and formed by 6 stations in three Brazilian states: São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul and Alagoas. The generator is Rádio Imaculada Conceição – 1490 AM. It is owned by Milícia da Imaculada, a public and international Christian association of Pontifical Right, founded in Rome in 1917 by Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe. In Brazil their activities began in 1987 and are financed by donations by the so-called Mílites.

The fourth is Rede Sul de Rádio (Tua Rádio/Scalabriana), inaugurated in 1999. It currently encompasses twelve stations located in the north and northeast of Rio Grande do Sul, and in the west of Santa Catarina. It stems from the former Rede Scalabriniana (Rio Grande do Sul), which used to be formed by 5 AM stations in both states. It currently reaches a population estimated with three million people in over 120 municipalities. They also have an online portal. The radio’s programming, similar to other catholic networks, mixes journalism, entertainment and more formal religious programs. The portal has a large production of news on themes such as politics, economy, agriculture, safety, education, health, culture, citizenship, environment, science & technology and religion.

Also located in the Brazilian South, Rede Evangelizar é Preciso (Paraná state) is a network of radios which is part of Rede Evangelizar de Comunicação, of Associação Evangelizar é Preciso, a non profit organization which counts with the support of the Archdiocese of Curitiba (Paraná state). It was conceived by father Reginaldo Manzotti in 2005. One of the biggest records seller in Brazil (ABPD, 2016), father Manzotti is also dean of the Santuário Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe. The program Experiência de Deus, hosted by Manzotti has been on air since September 2004. According to the network’s website, currently over 1,500 radio stations transmit the program in Brazil and other countries, live from 10 to 11am, with reruns from 5 to 6pm and from 10 to 11pm, from Monday to Saturday. The list of retransmitters is available on the website.

RCR newest associates are Rede Pai Eterno and RCR Espírito Santo. Rede Pai Eterno (Goiás state) belongs to Santuário Basílica and was officially inaugurated during a pilgrimage that takes place in the sanctuary in 2012. Generated by Rádio Vox Patris, it comprises 10 stations in 4 states and is present in over 500 cities. Finally, RCR Espírito Santo is the regional version of RCR located in the Espírito Santo state, where the network has three stations (Rádios América 91.1 FM, América 690 AM and Líder 101.5 FM).

Key facts

Audience Share

1.9% (PBM)

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage

National media

Content Type

free content

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

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Media Companies / Groups

Catholic Church - Rede Católica de Rádio (RCR)


Ownership Structure

Rede Católica de Rádio (RCR) is controlled by the Catholic Church.

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Angela Morais - president of RCR (2017-2019). She is a member of one of RCR's sub-networks, Rede Milícia Sat.


Sede São Paulo (SP): Avenida Jabaquara, 2400 03 Jabaquara / São Paulo - SP - (11) 2578-4866 - - .

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information

  • Project by
    Intervozes LOGO
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by