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Rede Bandeirantes

Bandeirantes AM is Bandeirantes Group’s first radio network, that also has two other national networks (BandNews FM and Band FM) and a regional one (Nativa FM), all of them occupying good positions in ratings rankings as measured by Kantar IBOPE. Focused on journalism, current affairs and sports, with a small musical programming, the network has 9 owned stations and 55 affiliates in 15 states, reaching more than 1,000 Brazilian cities. The network also has an internet portal, where one can listen to the program produced in São Paulo, and send messages to its studio. It also interacts with listeners via social media.

Bandeirantes AM Radio was founded by entrepreneur and sports executive Paulo Machado de Carvalho and sold, in 1945, to the politician Adhemar de Barros, that was a federal auditor in the São Paulo state (1938-1941), governor of the state (1947-1951; 1963-1966) and mayor of the capital (1957-1961). Barros assigned the direction of the radio to Rebello Junior, "an icon of sports journalism at the time", but transferred the direction to João Jorge Saad, in 1948, when the latter married his daughter.

Saad kept the focus on sports, but broadened the radio programming when he inserted journalism under the direction of José Bonifácio de Oliveira Sobrinho (Boni), who would become Globo’s general director between 1967 and 1997. In 1950, the radio supported the victorious campaigns of Getúlio Vargas for the Presidency of the Republic, and of Lucas Nogueira Garcez for the Government of the State. In 1958, during the World Cup in Sweden, Saad created the Cadeia Verde Amarela (‘Green yellow Chain’), an association of stations from all over Brazil that broadcast commentary and the football matches. The initiative was repeated in the following World Cup in 1962, in Chile. In 2013, the Group resumed the initiative to broadcast sports events like the Confederation Cup, the America Cup and the World Cup, but articulated only radios of their own group (Bandeirantes AM, BandNews FM, Bradesco Esportes FM, among others).

Currently the main shows of the station’s national network are: 90 minutos, Bastidores do Poder, Jornal de Amanhã, Jornal Gente, Jornal Primeira Hora (journalism); Domingo Esportivo Bandeirantes, Esporte em Debate, Esporte Notícias Internacional, Pole Position, Resenha, futebol e humor e Terceiro Tempo (sports); Arquivo musical, Chansons D’Amour and Sábado de Classe (music). The shows vary with the days of the week and not all of them are broadcasted to all affiliates.

Some of the columnists for Bandeirantes AM are also columnists for Band News FM. Amongst which:

  • Fernando Schüller is a philosopher and political scientist dedicated to themes like “Freedom of Press and of Speech” and a professor at Insper - Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa (‘Research and Teaching Institute’), a private non-profit graduation organization founded by entrepreneurs Claudio Haddad, Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Hermann Telles and Carlos Alberto da Veiga; he is also a collaborator in the Millenium Institute and a former Social Development and Justice State Secretary in Rio Grande do Sul na gestão during Yeda Crusius’s tenure (PSDB, 2007-2011).
  • Leandro Karnal is a History professor at UNICAMP and collaborates with different media outlets (Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo, Zero Hora, História Viva magazine, TV Cultura, among others); he also gives lectures in companies, schools and institutions.
  • Eduardo Oinegue, a journalist and owner of analysis publishing and management advisement companies, was IG’s publisher (2009-2011), a reporter and editor of the Abril Group’s outlets (1986-2005); in 2016, refused the invitation by president Michel Temer (PMDB) to be his spokesman, but developed a communication plan for the government; even before President Dilma Rousseff (PT) was moved from office, the journalist helped Temer with communication training.
  • Luís Paulo Rosenberg: an economist graduated at USP, with a master’s and a doctor’s degree at Vanderbilt University, is an economical consultant and owner of the company Rosemberg Associados. He also makes economical commentaries for Folha de S.Paulo, Jovem Pan and Eldorado Radios and Carta Capital magazine. He was an advisor for the Minister of Planning Delfim Netto during João Figeiredo’s military government (1979-1985) and a member of the FMI negotiation team; later, he was President José Sarney’s economic advisor (PMDB, 1985-1989). He was also a member of the councils of the companies Cia. Suzano, Nestlé and BBVA bank and marketing vice-president of the sports club Corinthians.
  • Luiz Barretto: a sociologist, is the president of Caixa Crescer, a microcredit providing company of Caixa Econômica Federal. He was the director president of Sebrae Nacional (2011-2015) and Minister of Tourism (2008-2010) during Lula’s government (PT).
  • Reinaldo Azevedo: a journalist and political commentator self-defined as "a catholic, conservative, liberal and hillbilly" (Portal Imprensa, 6/12/13). Also has columns in RedeTV!, RedeTV! Portal and in Folha de S.Paulo. He is a former columnist of Veja magazine and former commentator at Jovem Pan Radio.

The radio also has other columnists:

  • Gesner Oliveira: an economist, partner of Go Associados consulting and professor in the Planning Department and Applied Economic Analysis at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-SP). He was the president of Sabesp during José Serra’s government (PSDB, 2007-2010) and president of CADE - Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (‘Economic Defense Administrative Council’) (1996-2000) during Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s government (PSDB, 1994-2002). During his run ahead of the council, the fusion of Antartica breweries with Ambev was approved, becoming today’s Jorge Lemann’s AB InBev.
  • Delfim Netto: an economist, he was the finance minister during the governments of generals Costa e Silva and Emilio Garrastazu Médice (1967-1974), Brazilian embassador in France (1975-1978), minister of Agriculture (1979) and Chief-minister of planning during general João Figueiredo’s government (1979-1985); he was a federal deputy under the parties originated by ARENA (PP/PPR/PDS, from 1987 to 2007). He also writes a column in the Carta Capital magazine.
  • Luiz Felipe Pondé: a philosopher and professor, defines his ideas as being based on a “certain pessimism, in the preservation of western religious traditions and on the fight against the politically correct thought in the universities. He is one of the most prominent defenders of conservative thought in the last 10 years in Brazil". He also has a column in Folha de S. Paulo.


Key facts

Audience Share

0.6% (PBM)

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage

National media

Content Type

free content

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

2 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Grupo Bandeirantes


Ownership Structure

Rede Bandeirantes belongs to Grupo Bandeirantes. The group is controlled by the Saad family.

Group / Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Paulo Machado de Carvalho - businessman and sports manager, he was vice president and president of the São Paulo Football Club in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s and head of the winning FIFA World Cup delegations of 1958 in Sweden and 1962 in Chile.


Mário Baccei – Radio VP of Grupo Bandeirantes.


Thays Freitas - executive director of Radio Bandeirantes since 2006. Thays also presents the program Bastidores do Poder (“Behind the Power”).


Sede São Paulo (SP) - Rua Carlos Cyrillo Junior, 92 Morumbi - São Paulo - São Paulo - CEP: 05614-000 - (11) 3131.7418 - .

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information


http://UOL. Acusação contra Claudio Humberto provoca mal estar no Grupo Band. Accessed Oct. 2017


http://Meio e Mensagem PortFólio de Mídia. Rádio Bandeirantes. Acessed Oct 2017.

  • Project by
    Intervozes LOGO
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by