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Global Media Registry


BandNews is Bandeirantes Group’s news channel, inaugurated in 2001. The cable TV channel loses in ratings to two other channel of the same segment: GloboNews, another Cable TV station; and RecordNews, the first free TV channel with focus on news in Brazilian television. BandNews broadcasts 24 hours of journalistic programming, with news summaries every 30 minutes.

Fernando Mitre, national director of journalism, is responsible for most of the station’s shows, focused on politics and variety newscast: BandNews ao Meio do Dia (‘BandNews at Noon’), hosted by journalist Eduardo Barão, with participation of guests and commentators; Canal Livre (‘Free Channel’), that presents interviews with State Chiefs, political leaderships, and national and international personalities in the economic, business, cultural, sports and scientific areas; Ponto a Ponto (‘Point to Point’), a debate show with political themes hosted by journalist Mônica Bergamo and by the political scientist Antônio Lavareda, director-president of MCI Markting, Estratégia e Comunicação Institucional, a company specialized in the development of political campaigns; Conexão com The New York Times (‘NYT Connection’), a show with journalistic content in partnership with The New York Times, hosted by Ana Paula Padrão; and also the newscasts Jornal da Band (hosted by Ricardo Boechat and Paloma Tocci), Jornal da Noite (anchored by Boris Casoy), Jornal BandNews: 1ª edição (anchored by Rafael Colombo), Jornal BandNews: 2ª Edição, Expresso BandNews, Jornal BandNews: Edição da Noite, Fim de Semana BandNews, Madrugada BandNews, Manhã BandNews and Tarde BandNews.

Besides that, there are shows focused on specific economic sectors: Jornal Terraviva recasts news about the agribusiness produced by Terraviva Channel, also belonging to the Bandeirantes Group; Capital Natural discusses sustainable development and is hosted by Marina Machado and directed by Jorge Saad; Feiras & Negócios, in which Carlos D'Goes and Carolina Goes interview “successful entrepreneurs” and show “the main releases and trends in the market”; and Giro Business, where Sérgio Waib interviews executives from several economic areas. There is also the current affairs chronicles show Coluna e Meia com Salomão, hosted and directed by journalist and political scientist Salomão Schvartzman (who also has radio shows in BandNews FM, in the channel Arte 1 and in the educational radio Cultura FM).

The regular programming counts with the participation of commentators, journalists and anchors from Band Group’s outlets as well as the participation of guests such as Fernando Schüler and Leandro Karnal. Schüler is a philosopher and political scientist dedicated to themes like “Freedom of Press and of Speech” and a professor at Insper - Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa (‘Research and Teaching Institute’), a private non-profit graduation organization founded by entrepreneurs Claudio Haddad, Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Hermann Telles and Carlos Alberto da Veiga; he is also a collaborator in the Millenium Institute and a former Social Development and Justice State Secretary in Rio Grande do Sul during Yeda Crusius’s tenure (PSDB, 2007-2011). Leandro Karnal is a History professor at UNICAMP and collaborates with different media vehicles (Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo, Zero Hora, História Viva magazine, TV Cultura, among others); he also gives lectures in companies, schools and institutions.

BandNews TV has correspondents in several Brazilian cities, in the US and in some European countries. The station’s portal has a section called Você Repórter (‘You, reporter’) on which readers are invited to send “denunciations and footage caught on smartphones”.

Key facts

Audience Share

Missing Data

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type

Paid TV

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

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Media Companies / Groups

Grupo Bandeirantes


Ownership Structure

The paid-TV channel BandNews belongs to Grupo Bandeirantes. The group is owned by the Saad family.

Group / Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



João Carlos Saad (Johnny Saad) – he inherited the business from his father, João Jorge Saad.


Paulo Saad Jafet – nephew of João Jorge Saad.


Fernando Mitre – national Director of journalism.

Other Important People

Silvia Saad Jafet, niece of João Jorge Saad, is another member of the family with important position in the group: she is the development director of the Bandeirantes Group. She is also a partner, administrator or owner of the following companies: Radio and TV Bandeirantes de Campinas S.A. (broadcasting); Radio and Television Bandeirantes S.A. (broadcasting); Pj Consultoria e Marketing Ltda. (advertising); Produtora Nova Forca Piaui S / A (pay-TV programmer); Alhambra Producoes Ltda (advertising); Bushido Participacoes S.A. (holdings of non-financial institutions).


Sede São Paulo (SP) - Rua Carlos Cyrillo Jr., 92 Morumbi – São Paulo - São Paulo - CEP: 05614-001 - (11) 3131.1313 - .

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information


http://meio&mensagem. BandNews. Acessed October 16 2017.

  • Project by
    Intervozes LOGO
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by